
The Kump HF rig

What could be a better choice for a fieldcamp like Kump than the robust, solid state YAESU FT-1000 Mark V field Transceiver ? We also have prepared a K3, not only as a back up 🙂

A little help for better “propagation” comes from a SPE Expert 1K-FA amplifier.



Antenna is our HyGain TH-11DX, 11-Element Beam for 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m und 20m

Antenna is on a 75 feet tower (25 meter). The tower comes on a trailer and is lift up electrical.

On top of that we have mounted an inverted V for 30m and 40m.

Additonal dipoles for 80 and 40 meters makes the antenna set-up complete.

VHF, UHF – 6 meters


VHF, UHF Yagies are mounted on the 10 meter crank Tower of the “Volkswagen Van” from former “German Radio Police”, as well as our 6 ele. for 50 MHz. Radio in the Van is Yaesu FT847 and Icom TS9700.

You can find some more pictures in our gallery. Go ahead for a QSO!